Spotlighting long-term employee, previous Quick Turn Manager and new Area Manager – Juan Hernandez

Juan Hernandez is the perfect example of Mosser’s strategy to attract and retain dedicated and hard-working employees, providing them with a strong growth path and helping them expand their skillset and increase their impact on Mosser.
Juan joined Mosser eight years ago as a supervisor assistant in the company’s Maintenance department, painting and assisting contractors in fixing up and remodeling Mosser’s rental units. After just four months, he was rewarded for his solid performance with a promotion to maintenance supervisor. A quick-study, Juan expanded his knowledge and instantly became the go-to person for resolving resident maintenance needs and created strong personal relationships with residents. As Juan grows and develops, he continues to assume higher-level responsibilities and positions himself as a valuable contributor to Mosser and an appreciated resource for Mosser residents.
Empathy is one of Juan’s superpowers. He often places himself in residents’ shoes and that translates into speedy responses and closing-the-loop quickly on residents’ open maintenance requests. “Last week, a Mosser resident had issues with water leaking in his toilet. “If it were my toilet running, I would want prompt, skilled attention,” said Juan. “So that’s what I do—and tackle resident needs with a goal of providing excellent customer service. I put myself in their shoes and get things fixed ASAP and do them right.”
A month ago, Juan was promoted to Area Manager, taking another well-deserved leap in his professional growth at Mosser. In this leadership role, Juan is learning more skills, including electrical, property management and most importantly, broader team leadership. He now oversees the facilities work in his entire area of 40 properties and is devising new ways to provide quicker maintenance turn arounds and streamline related processes.
“Mosser has given me the opportunity to grow my knowledge and meet the goal of learning as much as I can on the job. There are some very good people at Mosser with a ton of knowledge who have been great mentors for me. Mosser keeps me challenged and I learn something new every day,” Juan said.
Juan is not a stranger to serving others. During his non-Mosser time, Juan is a bishop at his local church. He works with ~120 members of his congregation, helping them solve rent issues, achieve spiritual well-being and locate the resources they need to improve their lives.
Juan’s roots show greatly in how he cares for the Mosser residents. “I begin every workday with a prayer,” said Juan. “I pray, ‘heavenly father, may I approach residents the way I would want someone to approach me.’ I intend to do my best every day by this company and this community.”
“It’s no wonder Juan was nominated as a great employee to spotlight. He delivers great customer service, is engaged and delivers good prompt service to residents and contributes to the company’s success every day. Juan’s positive attitude and his ability to create a positive experience for each and every resident he interacts with is a key ingredient for the resulting Mosser Magic,” said Neveo Mosser, CEO. “Thank you for all the hard work, Juan. You have set a great example for those who walk in your footsteps at Mosser.”